Allstate Protection Plans x BrandSource Ecomm

Allstate Protection Plans x BrandSource Ecomm

BrandSource have over 4,500 locally-owned appliance, electronics, bedding, home furnishings and floor covering stores all across the country. BrandSource combines the purchases of all member stores which gives us $19B buying power, and that means the customers get the best value every day.


User Flow


01. Interstitial Popup Screen

This is the most critical touchpoint - 80%+ of plans are sold here, and an optimized interstitial has driven 40-70% increase in attach rates.

The Interstitial includes: 

  1. APP as the primary focus

  2. One-click, yes/no decision

  3. Branding

  4. Concise, call-to-action heading

  5. Features and benefits, ideally with dynamic visual and bullets

  6. Plan terms and pricing

  7. Ratings, as available

  8. Learn more link, to popup or brand page

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

02. Learn More Popup Screen

The Learn More popup provides more detail about the coverage and benefits of APP plans.  

Learn More popup includes:

  1. Branding

  2. Concise, call-to-action headline

  3. Plan coverage details, by category

  4. Allstate Protection Plans benefits easy and fast claims, no risk, award-winning coverage

03. Brand Page

The Brand Page is where customers can learn the most information possible about their plan.

The brand page include:

  1. Simple to understand visual storytelling

  2. Humanized with lifestyle imagery and icons

  3. Shares features and benefits of the plans offered—what categories are protected, features of each plan, term lengths, and price.

  4. Allstate Protection Plans benefits

  5. “How to file claim” section

Brand Page
Final Design

SparkleDesign Copywrite

ⓒ 2024

Our goal is to ignite possibilities that align with your audacious dream. We trust in the strength of brand identity to assist startups in distinguishing themselves, engaging their client base, and raising capital with certainty.

SparkleDesign Copywrite ⓒ 2024

Our goal is to ignite possibilities that align with your audacious dream. We trust in the strength of brand identity to assist startups in distinguishing themselves, engaging their client base, and raising capital with certainty.

SparkleDesign Copywrite ⓒ 2024

Our goal is to ignite possibilities that align with your audacious dream. We trust in the strength of brand identity to assist startups in distinguishing themselves, engaging their client base, and raising capital with certainty.